21 March 2019
A survey has been launched to identify the needs of carer’s in the area.
The Trust recognises that, in addition to providing the best possible care and treatment for our patients, it is also important to provide support and advice to carers. We recognise the valuable role which carers play in supporting the health and wellbeing of those they care for.
As part of the Patient and Carer Experience (PaCE) Panel, a carers’ sub-group has been established to focus on the support available to carers and the experience they have at the Trust. The group recognises the importance of considering the needs of carers and ensuring they are given an opportunity to be involved and share their experience.
To enable the group to identify areas to prioritise to improve carer experience a short survey has been developed to seek views and capture feedback from those who have recently accessed services at SaTH.
The Trust is committed to ensuring a partnership approach to working together is adopted to identify the needs of carers.
If you are a carer and the person you care for has accessed services provided at SaTH during 2018/19 we would welcome your feedback via the following survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/8GCC3MQ
The survey will be run until the end of May 2019.