The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) will benefit from new state-of-the-art ophthalmology equipment that will help detect eye conditions in both adults and children.
Sight Loss Shropshire has made a generous £5,000 donation towards a new visual fields machine for the Eye Department at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH), run by SaTH.

Andrew Evans (L) receives the donation from Clare Humphreys and Robin Durham from Sight Loss Shropshire
Philippa Downes, Senior Orthoptist at SaTH, said: “The Ophthalmology team has gratefully received a charitable contribution from Sight Loss Shropshire towards a new visual fields machine. This machine will allow very specific visual fields and binocular function testing for adult and paediatric patients.
“SaTH had two machines that were over 50-years-old, and one of the machines had failed and could not be fixed. The purchase of this new machine will replace the one that has failed and will mean patients will benefit from more modern and accurate equipment.”
Andrew Evans, Operational Manager at SaTH, said: “The new machine will be located within the new Eye Department and will be available for patients at the end of October 2017 when a newly-refurbished Paediatric Ophthalmology facility will open. The facility is located adjacent to the brand new department which opened to patients on 26 June this year.”
Robin Durham, Secretary for Sight Loss Shropshire, said: “We are delighted that our donation means that the Trust can purchase a piece of equipment that will be of such benefit to both adults and children, and make a difference to the care that the Trust can offer to those with eye conditions.”
Sight Loss Shropshire is a registered charity that provides information, advice and support to blind and visually impaired people of all ages throughout Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin to help improve their quality of life. They also provide grants to help the visually impaired buy specialist aids and equipment.