16 August 2018

Charlotte Nutt, left, with her sister, Emily, and mum, Stephanie.
It was one of the most important days in Charlotte Nutt’s life. Her sister, Emily, was getting married and bridesmaid Charlotte and her mother, Stephanie, would be walking with her down the aisle. That act was made all the more poignant, as that honour would have fallen with Emily and Charlotte’s father, Gordon, who tragically died in a motorbike accident four weeks earlier.
But on the morning of the wedding, as Charlotte got out of the chair after having her hair done for the big day, she turned on her ankle, which immediately began to swell. Charlotte, who works as a nurse in Nottingham, knew only too well that the ankle may be broken and that a trip to A&E would be necessary. She also knew that might mean missing her sister’s wedding to fiancé Samuel.
But, thanks to A&E Consultant Dr Adrian Marsh, Charlotte was soon patched up and able to join her mother with only the slightest delay.

Dr Adrian Marsh.
Charlotte, who is originally from Wolverhampton, said: “At 9am on the morning of the wedding, I was the first to get my hair done. I have a habit of sitting on my leg, which I was doing while this was happening, and when I got up, my whole leg was numb. Everyone heard a crack as I put my foot down and when I looked down my foot was behind my leg.
“I sat myself down on the bed and saw the swelling coming up. I kept saying to myself: ‘Maybe it will be ok’, but really I knew that it could be broken.”
Charlotte made her way to the A&E Department at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, telling

Charlotte’s father, Gordon
her sister that she may not make it back in time for the wedding, but to go ahead without her. She arrived at 10am, just three hours before the wedding 10 miles away at Lilleshall Hall.
Charlotte said: “I had just got to the point where I thought I wasn’t going to make it when I saw Dr Marsh. As we were chatting, he asked what I was up to and I told him about the wedding. He personally took me around to X-ray and made sure I was next in the queue and as soon as he got the X-ray back he reviewed it, established that it wasn’t broken, patched me up and got me on my way.”
Charlotte phoned her sister to tell her she was on her way and Emily persuaded the Registrar to

Emily and Samuel.
hold the ceremony for 15 minutes while they waited for Charlotte to arrive. Meanwhile, Charlotte was collected by her uncle and aunty, Lance and Sue, who had her dress in the back of the car.
Charlotte said: “I got changed in the back of the car and put some make-up on and as soon as we got to the hall, someone was there to meet me. They dashed me in and I was able to join my fellow bridesmaids and my mum and we were able to walk down the aisle with Emily.
“It was a really fantastic day in the end and I would like to say a huge thank you to Adrian for making it possible for me to be there and walk Emily down the aisle.”
Adrian said: “I am delighted we were able to see Charlotte quickly enough to allow her to get to her sister’s wedding in time and pleased to hear that she enjoyed the big day.”