13 June 2019
The waiting room at The Shropshire and Mid Wales Fertility Centre has been re-designed thanks to generous donations from patients.
The fertility centre, based at the Severn Fields Health Village in Shrewsbury, now has comfortable new tub chairs thanks to fundraising by former patients who set up a charitable account called “Hope for Life”.

Staff at the Fertility Centre with the new chairs
The chairs have also been specifically arranged to encourage conversation between patients in the waiting room, whilst still maintaining privacy for those leaving the consultation rooms.
Claire Corfield, Quality Manager at The Shropshire and Mid Wales Fertility Centre, said the re-design came about following patient feedback.
She said: “Little comforts like this really add to the patient experience but are often over and above what NHS budgets can fund. We’re delighted to be able to purchase these new chairs using charitable money and thank all those who have given generously over the years.
“As well as the new chairs, patients now have access to complimentary hot drinks in the waiting room.”
The centre, run by SaTH, has also signed up to the Fertility Network UK Patient Pledge. Fertility Network UK is a national charity that offers support to patients with fertility-related issues. In signing up to the pledge, the centre aims to give their patients access to a local support group and ensure that staff have access to training on the emotional support of patients.
As a result, a peer-led support group has launched in Shrewsbury run by volunteers and Fertility Network UK. It is held on the third Wednesday of every month at the centre from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, and the centre is providing expert speakers on topics that group members have asked to know more about.
The next group will meet on 17 June when Dr Mak Massoud will speak on egg quality, drug protocols and follicle stimulation.
New members are welcome, and for further information visit the website www.shropshireivf.nhs.uk