23 June 2017

Rehabitat Shop
A shop at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford which supports independent living is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
The Rehabitat Shop, which is based outside the Occupational Therapy Department at PRH, opened its doors at the hospital in 1992. Since opening it has moved home at the hospital twice, most recently to its current location.
The shop sells a range of products to support independent living including wide-fitting shoes and slippers, walking sticks, washing and dressing aids, meal and food preparation aids, exercise products and splints. Profits help to improve therapy services at the hospital.
Amanda Walshaw, Head of Occupational Therapy, said: “It seems incredible that the shop has been open for 25 years, especially as we rely on the goodwill of the Trust volunteers, many of whom have stayed with us since we opened all those years ago.
“The shop provides a valuable service as well as giving us the opportunity for income generation for the Therapy Care Group.
“Our staff are friendly and helpful and provide impartial advice on the best products for our patients’ needs.”
The 25th anniversary is today (Friday 23 June) being marked with an afternoon tea in the Education Centre at PRH.
Amanda paid tribute to those who led the creation of the shop and have since helped to run it.
The shop was created by the then Head of Occupational Therapy Denise Purnell and managed by the then Therapy Service Manager Jackie Williams.
It began life in a small walk-in cupboard at the entrance to the Therapy Department and sold items from a trolley. As its popularity grew, so did the products it offered and it eventually moved into two rooms on the main hospital corridor.
As more products for independent living are now available on the high street, the shop has reduced its stock of larger items and moved to the Therapy Department, where it has recently undergone a refurbishment, creating a bright new home.
It is run by Amanda, supported by a group of enthusiastic Trust Volunteers who now staff the shop, taking on the role from WRVS (now RVS) volunteers who previously undertook this role.
“Without their commitment to providing this excellent service, the shop would not be able to continue. They pride themselves in the care and respect they show to each customer, being sensitive to their needs in difficult circumstances,” added Amanda.
Eileen Nolan, who began volunteering at the shop shortly after it opened until last year, said: “I volunteered at the very beginning because I had retired from working in the National Health Service and was looking for something vaguely related to that work.

Eileen Nolan, Rehabitat Volunteer, with Pauline Lee
“I joined the WRVS as a volunteer and they suggested that as the shop had just opened, I might like to volunteer there. I never looked back.
“I enjoyed it from the very beginning because I thought it was a useful shop and that kept me going, as did the company and value of the other volunteers.
“I felt the shop needed to be kept going because it was so useful.”
The shop is open from 9.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday, and can be contacted on 01952 641222 Ext 4249.