17 April 2023

Mr Motivator runs through some exercises with patient Amelia Callaghan
Mr Motivator helped staff and patients to get active when he paid a visit to Princess Royal Hospital in Telford.
The TV workout star, aka Derrick Errol Evans, chatted to staff and patients about the benefits of activity at the hospital, which is run by The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH).
Dressed in his bright trademark fitness clothing, he also judged a staff Easter competition to design a Patient Information Board focusing on the dangers of inactivity and the benefits of keeping active in hospital and at home. The winning board will be replicated at the entrance to both hospital sites raising further awareness to all visitors to the Trust.
Hayley Flavell, Director of Nursing at SaTH, said: “Mr Motivator is a fantastic advocate for keeping active and it was just wonderful to have him here chatting to staff and patients about the benefits of being on the move.
“It is so important for us all and particularly the elderly to stay active, mobile and healthy, not only in hospital but also at home. It has been shown that keeping mobile can help reduce a person’s stay in hospital and bring both physical and psychological benefits.”

Clare Walsgrove and Leeanne Morgan, Falls Prevention Practitioner, with Mr Motivator
Clare Walsgrove, Quality Matron at SaTH, who organised the visit said: “It was great that Mr Motivator came along to judge our competition and he even took the time to run through a few chair-based exercises with one of our patients in the Discharge Lounge.
“In November, the Re-conditioning Games, a national initiative, was launched to encourage everyone to stay active following COVID-19 and lockdowns. As a result, patients were coming into hospital much frailer than they previously would have been. Our team has been leading on the games at the Trust since its launch with activities such as chair-based exercises, balloon tennis, and themed seasonal events.
If anyone would like to find out more about the Re-conditioning Games or how they can help to stay active at home or in hospital, please follow @ReconGamesUK on twitter or visit the Trust’s website.