22 March 2018
The Lord Lieutenant of Shropshire, Sir Algernon Heber-Percy, has unveiled a new state-of-the-art MRI scanner which has been purchased by the League of Friends of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH).

The Lord Lieutenant of Shropshire, Sir Algernon Heber-Percy, and Ray Smith, Chair of the League of Friends, unveil the new scanner
The League of Friends launched a £1 million appeal to fund the new scanner to mark their 50th anniversary.
Today, at a special ceremony, the scanner was unveiled to invited guests and members of the team who will be using it.
Sir Algernon told guests: “This is a great achievement. I greatly admire the League of Friends and all the work they have done over the years.
“It is a great tribute to the hospital that so many individuals want to spend their free time and many efforts to support their own hospital.
“You, and the staff that work here, are the Guardian Angels of the hospital.”

Radiographer Ottilie Martin with the new MRI machine at RSH
Simon Wright, Chief Executive of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs RSH, said: “When we started this journey, we had two of the oldest MRI scanners in the NHS, now we have three of the most modern.”
He told representatives of the League of Friends: “We are in your debt, so thank you.”
Simon, who aided the fundraising effort by climbing four volcanoes in Sicily in six days, added: “We are very fortunate to have such dedicated staff and what they need is the best equipment.”
Ray Smith, Chair of the League of Friends, said: “There is one group of people who need to be thanked above all others, and that’s the donors and contributors. The response has been quite outstanding. We have had legacy donations. I have been to functions where I have received cheques for £3,000 and £10,000. And then there have been the five pounds, the one pounds and the 50 pences and they all add up to enable us to purchase this wonderful piece of equipment.”

Ray Martin and Simon Wright, Chief Executive at SaTH, at the unveiling
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has replaced its two existing MRI scanners, at RSH and at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, as part of a £1.7million investment. The fundraising efforts of the League of Friends meant that SaTH could invest in a third scanner, meaning even more patients can be seen.
An MRI scan can be used to examine almost any part of the body, including the:
- brain and spinal cord
- bones and joints
- breasts
- heart and blood vessels
- internal organs, such as the liver, womb or prostate gland
The results of an MRI scan can be used to help diagnose conditions, plan treatments and assess how effective previous treatment has been. The new scanner will support nearly all care groups within SaTH and will improve care for existing patients as well as allowing SaTH to carry out some scans which patients have previously had to travel out of the area to receive.