Improving patient experience at SaTH

15 October 2019 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is developing a new committee to improve experience for patients regardless of their background. SaTH, which runs the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and the Princess Royal Hospital, Telford, is looking for members of the public to join staff from the Trust on its new Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity sub-committee. Ruth [...]

Improving patient experience at SaTH2019-10-15T10:16:26+01:00

Stunning sky ceilings to help improve patient experience

14 August 2019 Five stunning sky murals are to feature on two wards at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford to improve care for patients. The LED lit ceiling tiles will feature natural sky scenes and will be fitted in five side rooms on Ward 15 (Acute Stroke Unit) and Ward 16 (Rehabilitation), with one already completed. The aim [...]

Stunning sky ceilings to help improve patient experience2019-08-14T14:01:36+01:00

German nurse hopes to join Trust after unique work experience placement

28 May 2019 A German student nurse is planning to take up a career in the NHS with the Trust which runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals after undertaking six weeks work experience in the county. Christien Hagen Christien Hagen, a third year student nurse, contacted The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) because she wanted to explore the [...]

German nurse hopes to join Trust after unique work experience placement2019-05-28T09:33:52+01:00

Tracy picks up mentoring award

21 December 2018 A member of the Workforce Transformation at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has been honoured for her mentoring skills. Tracy Newbold with her award Tracy Newbold, Pre-Employment Avisor, won the Most Helpful Mentor Award after being nominated by a student from Burton Borough School who had participated in The Work Related Learning [...]

Tracy picks up mentoring award2018-12-21T10:08:35+00:00

Volunteers sought to join ‘people’s panel’ to help improve patient experience

19 June 2018 The Trust which runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals is to introduce a new ‘people’s panel’ dedicated to improving patient experience. The new ‘people’s panel’ will replace the current Patient Experience and Involvement Panel (PEIP) which is currently made up of patients, ex-patients, patient advocates and carers. Its aim is to support and challenge The Shrewsbury and Telford [...]

Volunteers sought to join ‘people’s panel’ to help improve patient experience2018-06-19T08:54:04+01:00