Sister of inspirational fundraiser Anna Irwin donates over £2,000 to improve end of life care

13 June 2018 Doctors and Nurses at The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) are now able to provide better care to end of life patients thanks to the incredible fundraising journey of RAF Flight Sergeant Anna Irwin. From left, Jules Lewis (End of Life Care Facilitator at SaTH), Miriam Gilbert (End of Life Care Champion on AMU at RSH), Katie [...]

Sister of inspirational fundraiser Anna Irwin donates over £2,000 to improve end of life care2018-06-13T12:04:26+01:00

Improving communication with patients

14 March 2017 The Away Team involved in the Rapid Process Improvement Week, including patient representative Lin Stapely and her Guide Dog Woody. “When I receive a letter confirming a hotel booking it is clear, concise and useful. I am instantly made to feel important and my confidence levels in that organisation soar.” These are the words of [...]

Improving communication with patients2017-03-14T09:41:26+00:00