SaTH among best in the country for ensuring patients wait no more than 18 weeks between seeing their GP and having treatment at hospital

24 October 2018 The Trust which runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals is among the best in the country for making sure patients wait no longer than 18 weeks between seeing their GP and having treatment at hospital. The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has hit the hit national 92% referral to treatment (RTT) for 12 of the past [...]

SaTH among best in the country for ensuring patients wait no more than 18 weeks between seeing their GP and having treatment at hospital2018-10-24T09:23:20+01:00

Hospital Trust hits national patient target

18 October 2017 The Trust which runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals has hit a national patient target for the first time in over a year. Data shows The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) hit the 92% referral to treatment (RTT) target in September – the first time they have achieved this since May 2016. Performance in September was [...]

Hospital Trust hits national patient target2017-10-18T07:57:11+01:00

Improving care for patients with Sepsis

11 September 2017 The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is making significant improvements in the screening and treatment of patients with Sepsis. Sepsis arises when the body’s response to an infection injures the person's own tissues and organs. It leads to shock, multiple organ failure and death, especially if not recognised early and treated promptly. There are around [...]

Improving care for patients with Sepsis2017-09-11T15:53:34+01:00