8 February 2023

This week we are shining the spotlight on our apprentices during National Apprentice Week and raising awareness about the crucial part they play in our workforce. There are a wide variety of apprenticeship opportunities not only at our Trust but within the NHS and we will be doing all we can to share the news that they are a fantastic [...]

8 February 20232023-02-09T10:03:37+00:00

Trust celebrates its apprentices during National Apprenticeship Week

6 February 2023  The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is shining a spotlight on its apprentices during National Apprentice Week (6-12 February). It is celebrating and raising awareness about the diverse and wide variety of apprenticeship opportunities that are available at SaTH and rest of the NHS. This year’s theme is ‘Skills for Life’. The week will reflect [...]

Trust celebrates its apprentices during National Apprenticeship Week2023-02-06T11:24:05+00:00

1 February 2023

Congratulations to our latest cohort of international recruits for passing their exams, which means they can practise as qualified nurses.  All eight nurses from cohort one of the latest international recruitment project, passed their Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) and we are very proud to welcome them to work at the Trust. Currently, we have over 500 international recruits that [...]

1 February 20232023-02-01T10:49:13+00:00