Chronic Kidney Disease
The Renal Unit at SaTH provides a full range of services for Chronic Kidney Disease.
People with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) who are referred into the Renal Services will have their condition managed and monitored by a multidisciplinary team. Promotion of self-care and patient involvement is encouraged at all times.
As kidney function deteriorates, individuals are prepared for treatments, aiming for a smooth transition onto renal replacement therapy at the appropriate time. There is a comprehensive education programme available which includes one to one discussions in the patients home, group seminars with peer support and practical demonstrations of dialysis at Home Therapy Fayres.
We have developed education material such as CKD Information Manuals and direct to appropriate websites. Encouragement is given to patients to create their own account using the on line system
- Manual exchanges using the Baxter Solo system
- Automated Peritoneal Dialysis using the Baxter Home choice machine
- Assisted Automated Peritoneal Dialysis using the Baxter Home choice machine
PD catheters are usually inserted under a General Anaesthetic in Day Surgery and then rested for two weeks.
Training is carried out in PD training department and sometimes at home. Average training time is 2-3 days.
PD patients have open access 24 hours to PD trained staff in the unit or on ward 28 Nephrology in the event of dialysis related problems.
Community follow up is carried out by the same nursing team where ongoing education and support is given.
- Short frequent dialysis schedule using the NX Stage machine
- A thrice weekly regime using the Fresenius machine.
Training is carried out in a dedicated area on the Renal Unit at The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital where patients have 6 day access to staff in the event of problems.
Community follow up is carried out by the same team in order to support the individual at home. Respite care for carers is also available.