Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin punching well above the average with booster jabs

13 January 2022 Thanks to the incredible efforts of Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin NHS partners, local councils, and volunteers, over 84.5% of eligible adults across the county have now received their booster jab. This follows a monumental effort from all involved over the past three to four weeks, over the Christmas period, where many people have given up their time [...]

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin punching well above the average with booster jabs2022-01-14T16:14:02+00:00

Get jabbed for your New Year resolution

31 December 2021 As we welcome in the New Year, the vaccine programme in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin is counting on the support of local people to help protect frontline services by taking up the vaccine offer as soon as they can. Health and care staff working in hospitals and in the community are at an increasing risk of catching [...]

Get jabbed for your New Year resolution2022-01-04T12:50:17+00:00

Vaccination booster programme set for lift off in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin

14 December 2021 The covid vaccination booster programme in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin (STW) is set for a dramatic acceleration – with capacity to reach more than 10,000 jabs a day by the weekend. Local health and care leaders have set a goal of jabbing up to 160,000 people by New Year’s Eve – including offering a booster to the [...]

Vaccination booster programme set for lift off in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin2021-12-14T13:14:43+00:00

Clinical COVID-19 vaccination trial for pregnant women starts at SaTH

29 November 2021 A world-leading clinical COVID-19 vaccination trial for pregnant women has started at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) with the first two volunteers recruited. The Preg-CoV study being carried out at SaTH will look at the best COVID-19 vaccine dose interval for pregnant women with the results helping researchers understand how the vaccine works to [...]

Clinical COVID-19 vaccination trial for pregnant women starts at SaTH2021-11-29T11:46:25+00:00

Temporary change in the opening hours at vaccination centres

26 March 2021 A temporary change in the opening hours will be put in place at the Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin COVID-19 vaccination centres due to the well-publicised reduction in national vaccine supply. Supplies are said to be reducing from Thursday, 1 April for a period of 3-4 weeks and Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin's appointment system is being [...]

Temporary change in the opening hours at vaccination centres2021-03-26T15:57:49+00:00

Unpaid carers to receive COVID-19 vaccinations

23 February 2021 From today, unpaid carers aged 18-64 can book a COVID-19 vaccination appointment via the national booking system without receiving a letter. To be eligible, they need to be in receipt of carer’s allowance. They can book online at: or call 119 free of charge, between 7am and 11pm, seven-days-a-week. Carers aged 18-64 who do not receive [...]

Unpaid carers to receive COVID-19 vaccinations2021-02-23T16:43:11+00:00

Six further vaccination services go live in Shropshire

28 January 2021 Today the new large COVID-19 vaccination centre at Telford International Centre and five GP-led vaccination services across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin have started delivering COVID-19 vaccinations to the public, offering further local support in the battle against coronavirus. The first people booked in are those at the highest risk of COVID-19 – those over the age [...]

Six further vaccination services go live in Shropshire2021-01-28T09:53:26+00:00