Multi-faith Rooms and Places of Reflection
The Multi-faith rooms are open 24 hours a day, for the use of patients, staff and visitors. They provide a place for people to reflect, pray or just be quiet. We are unable to allow the lighting of candles in the Multi-faith rooms. However, there is a Pebble basket available which we hope will act as a satisfactory alternative.
For Muslims there are washing facilities, prayer mats (in material and paper form) and a sign locating the direction of Ka’bah.
In addition to the Multi-faith rooms there are gardens available for quiet reflection at each hospital.
The White Garden
At the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital the white garden has been created as a place of tranquillity and incorporates hand-painted stones which have been decorated by Shropshire schoolchildren. The white garden is located near the Hamar Centre.
Space at the Princess Royal Hospital:
Captain Tom’s Courtyard
For quiet reflection there is a new courtyard located at the Princess Royal Hospital named after Captain Sir Tom Moore which has seating pods and private areas amongst flower beds.
Memory Garden
A memory garden is located near Ward 15, 16 and the Paul Brown Unit.