Maternity Bereavement Care
Would you like to know more about bereavement care?
We provide emotional and practical support to families experiencing a pregnancy loss or the death of a baby.
The maternity bereavement team is made up of two specialist midwives and a dedicated lead consultant, who offer care and support to women and their families. Prior to 16 weeks’ gestation, women will be supported by the Early Pregnancy Assessment Service.

The Bereavement Team offer ongoing practical and emotional support and guidance in the weeks and months following a pregnancy loss or the death of a baby. They make sure that families understand how and when they need to register their baby, and guide them through some of the choices they need to make. For example, the team provide families with information about funerals or about any tests that may be required on the mother or baby (such as a post-mortem examination or placental investigations).
You can expect to receive support after your loss, with the team arranging appointments to discuss any test results, ongoing plans and concerns for a future pregnancy. This appointment may be several months later whilst the hospital is waiting for the final investigation reports. The team can also provide information about local and national support groups, counselling and psychological support services available.
All Maternity staff are also able to provide support to bereaved families. As part of mandatory training, midwives and other health professionals have a year’s multi-disciplinary bereavement training update. This includes important topics such as sensitive communication, memory making, choices, resources and the National Bereavement Care Pathway Standards.
Language and terminology is personal to each individual and family, and we understand that some may prefer certain terms over others. Please let our teams know the words and terms you would prefer for them to use when communicating with you.
Contact details
Bereavement Specialist Midwives
- Michelle Powell: 07512795823
- Charlotte Jackson: 07871986895
- Office number: 01952 565953
Urgent queries
Delivery suite (24hrs) Telephone number: 01952 565924
Have you or someone you know experienced a bereavement? Here are some support groups that might help you find the information you need.