Safeguarding Children
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children entering the Trust and meets the statutory requirements in relation to safeguarding children.
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust recognises that all children have a right to be protected and that all adults have a responsibility to protect them from harm. We are committed to ensuring that systems and services are in place that aim to promote children’s wellbeing and prevent them from suffering harm, safeguarding children who have been harmed and working collaboratively with other agencies to facilitate their recovery.
SaTH has a Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy which details the roles and responsibilities of all staff, the lines of accountability and defines the child protection training needs of all staff. We have an active training programme for staff that is in line with local and national guidance, as well as robust recruitment arrangements. The NHS Employers Guidance is adhered to by SaTH, and the Trust has clear policies regarding criminal background checks and interviewing.
Responsibility at Trust Board Level:
A named executive director takes responsibility for reporting to the board on safeguarding children issues and a named non-executive director acts as lead for children’s services.
- Named executive Director: Hayley Flavell, Director of Nursing
SaTH has a Safeguarding Children team, consisting of professionals with particular expertise within child protection and safeguarding who are available for advice.
- Named Doctor is Dr Tabitha Parsons
- Named Nurse is Mrs Teresa Tanner
- Named Midwife is Sally Burns
All can be contacted via switchboard 01952 641222.
SaTH also has Consultant Paediatricians who are on call 24 hours a day for any child protection issues that may arise.
If you are concerned about a child you can ring your local Children’s Social Care:
Family Connect (Telford): 01952 385385
Compass (Shropshire): 03456 789 021
Independent Inquiry into Telford Child Sexual Exploitation:
To read the report and see the video from Tom Crowther QC please click here.