Falls Prevention

Care of the Elderly

Welcome to Falls Prevention

“A fall is defined as an unintentional or unexpected loss of balance resulting in coming to rest on the floor, the ground, or an object below knee level” (NICE 2017)

A fall can be devastating. The human cost of falls and the impact includes distress, pain, and injury, loss of confidence, loss of independence, increased morbidity and mortality. Falling also affects family members and carers of people who fall, and has an impact on quality of life, health and social costs.

Falls represents significant costs to trusts and the wider healthcare systems, with annual total costs to the NHS alone from falls among older people estimated by the national Institute for health and care excellence (NICE) in 2015 at £2.23 billion.

We know that falls are the most commonly reported type of patient safety incident in healthcare and represents the most frequent type of accident in people aged 65 and over. We know that one in three people over 65 will experience a fall this year, unfortunately the risk of falling increases as we age, half of all people over 80 will fall at least once a year.

Our Quality Matron, Clare Walsgrove (clare.walsgrove@nhs.net or ext 2525) works alongside Quality & Safety, Patient Safety and Health & Safety to improve the care and stay of the patient whilst in hospital.

Tackling the problem of in-patient falls is challenging for staff, but research has shown multiple interventions performed by multidisciplinary teams can help to address risk factors and reduce falls. From this we are able to put in place support to help the patient.

Key Info

Contact Us

Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
01743 261000 (Switchboard)

Princess Royal Hospital
01952 641222 (Switchboard)

Falls Rehabilitation

Falls Rehabilitation Group, Paul Brown Unit – Telford patients – 01952641222 ext. 4030
Referral form for Telford & Wrekin patients only
DAART, RSH- Shrewsbury patients – 01743 261095
Louise House – Shrewsbury patients – 01743 251564 ask for Falls

Interested in working with us?

For more information about vacancies in the Trust please visit our Belong to Something website.

Useful Information

Age UK: Falls Prevention
Get up and Go – A guide to going steady
The College of Optometrists Information
Royal Osteoporosis Society – Bone Health
Shropshire Community Health

Our aim is to minimise any falls that might occur, these are some of the measure we are able to put in place.

  • Yellow non-slip socks – ideally we would like patients to wear a well-fitting pair of slippers or shoes so you can help us by ensuring these are available.
  • Check patient has suitable and well-fitting footwear, has good grip and cannot fall off.
  • Access to call bell.
  • Cohort nursing/1:1 nursing – based upon risk assessment.
  • High- Low bed with crash mats.
  • Visual aids on patients board, and nurse board.
  • Teaching sessions to promote falls awareness and knowledge for all staff.
  • Bespoke Falls Training for wards & departments, to ensure learning from falls with injury.
  • Reflective practise sessions for staff to improve awareness.
  • Link workers on wards to support the Falls Practitioner and colleagues.
  • Referral to falls services.
  • Falls Risk wristbands for those patients assessed as being at risk.

“Falls prevention is everyone’s business”; together with some modest changes in our lifestyle and homes we can support patients with the right knowledge and  encourage them to stay active, this will help reduce re-admissions into hospital.

Activity and movement are vital for keeping healthy and reducing the risk of falls. Please watch this video which explains the benefits of our Outpatient falls clinic services.